Source code for pyrakoon.test

# This file is part of Pyrakoon, a distributed key-value store client.
# Copyright (C) 2010 Incubaid BVBA
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

'''Testing utilities'''

import os.path
import time
import shutil
import struct
import logging
import tempfile
import subprocess

    import cStringIO as StringIO
except ImportError:
    import StringIO

from pyrakoon import client, compat, errors, protocol, utils

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#pylint: disable=R0904
[docs]class FakeClient(object, client.AbstractClient, client.ClientMixin): '''Fake, in-memory Arakoon client''' VERSION = 'FakeRakoon/0.1' '''Version of the server we fake''' #pylint: disable=W0105 MASTER = 'arakoon0' '''Name of master node''' #pylint: disable=W0105 connected = True def __init__(self): super(FakeClient, self).__init__() self._values = {} def _process(self, message): #pylint: disable=R0912 bytes_ = StringIO.StringIO(''.join(message.serialize())).read # Helper recv = lambda type_: utils.read_blocking(type_.receive(), bytes_) command = recv(protocol.UINT32) def handle_hello(): '''Handle a "hello" command''' _ = recv(protocol.STRING) _ = recv(protocol.STRING) for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( protocol.RESULT_SUCCESS): yield rbytes for rbytes in protocol.STRING.serialize(self.VERSION): yield rbytes def handle_exists(): '''Handle an "exists" command''' _ = recv(protocol.BOOL) key = recv(protocol.STRING) for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( protocol.RESULT_SUCCESS): yield rbytes for rbytes in protocol.BOOL.serialize(key in self._values): yield rbytes def handle_who_master(): '''Handle a "who_master" command''' for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( protocol.RESULT_SUCCESS): yield rbytes for rbytes in protocol.Option(protocol.STRING).serialize( self.MASTER): yield rbytes def handle_get(): '''Handle a "get" command''' _ = recv(protocol.BOOL) key = recv(protocol.STRING) if key not in self._values: for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( errors.NotFound.CODE): yield rbytes for rbytes in protocol.STRING.serialize(key): yield rbytes else: for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( protocol.RESULT_SUCCESS): yield rbytes for rbytes in protocol.STRING.serialize(self._values[key]): yield rbytes def handle_set(): '''Handle a "set" command''' key = recv(protocol.STRING) value = recv(protocol.STRING) self._values[key] = value for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( protocol.RESULT_SUCCESS): yield rbytes def handle_delete(): '''Handle a "delete" command''' key = recv(protocol.STRING) if key not in self._values: for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( errors.NotFound.CODE): yield rbytes for rbytes in protocol.STRING.serialize(key): yield rbytes else: del self._values[key] for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( protocol.RESULT_SUCCESS): yield rbytes def handle_prefix_keys(): '''Handle a "prefix_keys" command''' _ = recv(protocol.BOOL) prefix = recv(protocol.STRING) max_elements = recv(protocol.UINT32) matches = [key for key in self._values.iterkeys() if key.startswith(prefix)] matches = matches if max_elements < 0 else matches[:max_elements] for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( protocol.RESULT_SUCCESS): yield rbytes for rbytes in protocol.List(protocol.STRING).serialize(matches): yield rbytes def handle_test_and_set(): '''Handle a "test_and_set" command''' key = recv(protocol.STRING) test_value = recv(protocol.Option(protocol.STRING)) set_value = recv(protocol.Option(protocol.STRING)) # Key doesn't exist and test_value is not None -> NotFound if key not in self._values and test_value is not None: for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( errors.NotFound.CODE): yield rbytes for rbytes in protocol.STRING.serialize(key): yield rbytes return # Key doesn't exist and test_value is None -> create if key not in self._values and test_value is None: self._values[key] = set_value for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( protocol.RESULT_SUCCESS): yield rbytes for rbytes in protocol.Option(protocol.STRING).serialize(None): yield rbytes return # Key exists orig_value = self._values[key] # Need to update? if test_value == orig_value: if set_value is not None: self._values[key] = set_value else: del self._values[key] # Return original value for rbytes in protocol.UINT32.serialize( protocol.RESULT_SUCCESS): yield rbytes for rbytes in protocol.Option(protocol.STRING).serialize( orig_value): yield rbytes handlers = { protocol.Hello.TAG: handle_hello, protocol.Exists.TAG: handle_exists, protocol.WhoMaster.TAG: handle_who_master, protocol.Get.TAG: handle_get, protocol.Set.TAG: handle_set, protocol.Delete.TAG: handle_delete, protocol.PrefixKeys.TAG: handle_prefix_keys, protocol.TestAndSet.TAG: handle_test_and_set, } if command in handlers: result = StringIO.StringIO(''.join(handlers[command]())) else: result = StringIO.StringIO() result.write(struct.pack('<I', errors.UnknownFailure.CODE)) result.write(struct.pack('<I', 0)) return utils.read_blocking(message.receive(),
[docs]class ArakoonEnvironmentMixin: #pylint: disable=C1001 '''Test mixin to manage an Arakoon process''' #pylint: disable=C0103,W0232,W0201
[docs] def setUpArakoon(self, name, config_template): '''Launch an Arakoon daemon process :param name: Cluster name :type name: `str` :param config_template: Configuration file template :type config_template: `str` :return: Client configuration tuple, config path and base path :rtype: `((str, dict<str, (str, int)>), str, str)` ''' base = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=name) self._arakoon_environment_base = base'Running in %s', base) home_dir = os.path.join(base, 'home') os.mkdir(home_dir) log_dir = os.path.join(base, 'log') os.mkdir(log_dir) config_path = os.path.join(base, 'config.ini') config = config_template % { 'CLIENT_PORT': DEFAULT_CLIENT_PORT, 'MESSAGING_PORT': DEFAULT_MESSAGING_PORT, 'HOME': home_dir, 'LOG_DIR': log_dir, 'CLUSTER_ID': name, } fd = open(config_path, 'w') try: fd.write(config) finally: fd.close() # Start server command = ['arakoon', '-config', config_path, '--node', 'arakoon_0'] self._arakoon_process = subprocess.Popen( command, close_fds=True, cwd=base) #pylint: disable=E1101'Arakoon running, PID %d', #pylint: enable=E1101 return (name, { 'arakoon_0': ([''], DEFAULT_CLIENT_PORT), }), config_path, base
[docs] def tearDownArakoon(self): '''Teardown a managed Arakoon process''' try: if self._arakoon_process: #pylint: disable=E1101 'Killing Arakoon process %d', try: self._arakoon_process.terminate() except OSError: LOGGER.exception('Failure while killing Arakoon') #pylint: enable=E1101 finally: base = self._arakoon_environment_base if os.path.isdir(base):'Removing tree %s', base) shutil.rmtree(base) #pylint: disable=W0232
[docs]class NurseryEnvironmentMixin(ArakoonEnvironmentMixin): '''Test mixin to manage an Arakoon nursery keeper''' #pylint: disable=C0103
[docs] def setUpNursery(self, name, config_template): '''Launch an Arakoon nursery keeper daemon process :param name: Cluster name :type name: `str` :param config_template: Configuration file template :type config_template: `str` :return: Client configuration tuple, config path and base path :rtype: `((str, dict<str, (str, int)>), str, str)` ''' client_config, config_path, base = self.setUpArakoon( name, config_template) #pylint: disable=W0142 compat_client_config = compat.ArakoonClientConfig(*client_config) # Give server some time to get up ok = False for _ in xrange(5):'Attempting hello call') try: client_ = compat.ArakoonClient(compat_client_config) client_.hello('testsuite', compat_client_config.getClusterId()) client_.dropConnections() #pylint: disable=W0212 except: #pylint: disable=W0702 LOGGER.exception('Call failed, sleeping') else: LOGGER.debug('Call succeeded') ok = True break if not ok: raise RuntimeError('Unable to start Arakoon server') subprocess.check_call([ 'arakoon', '-config', config_path, '--nursery-init', client_config[0] ], close_fds=True, cwd=base) time.sleep(5) return client_config, config_path, base
[docs] def tearDownNursery(self): '''Teardown a managed Arakoon nursery keeper process''' self.tearDownArakoon()