Basic Usage

The pyrakoon library provides the building blocks to create an Arakoon client library in Python. It contains the required data types used in the client protocol, including serialization and parsing routines. It also includes descriptions of the available operations.

The code is not bound to a specific method of communicating with Arakoon nodes though. This is abstracted, and left up to the user to implement according to specific needs and communication mechanisms.

Socket Handling

To provide an implementation of the abstract communication mechanism, the AbstractClient interface must be fulfilled. A very basic implementation, which can be used to communicate with a single Arakoon node (i.e. no master failover or reconnection is provided) using blocking socket calls is provided by SocketClient.


SocketClient should only be used for (manual) testing purposes. Due to the lack of good exception handling, timeouts,... it should not be used in real-world code.


When given an AbstractClient implementation, this doesn’t give access to actual client operations. Whilst it’s possible to create instances of the calls as defined in pyrakoon.protocol and related modules and pass these through _process(), this is rather clumsy.

To provide a uniform interface, not bound to a specific AbstractClient implementation, a couple of mixins are provided, which expose client operations in a user-friendly way. Several mixins are available:

These can be combined with an AbstractClient implementation and used as-is. Here’s an example using SocketClient, mixing in pyrakoon.client.ClientMixin and pyrakoon.client.admin.ClientMixin:

>>> from pyrakoon import client
>>> from pyrakoon.client import admin

>>> class Client(client.SocketClient, client.ClientMixin, admin.ClientMixin):
...     '''An Arakoon client'''

>>> c = Client(('localhost', 4000), 'ricky')
>>> c.connect()
>>> c.set('key', 'value') # from client.ClientMixin
>>> c.collapse_tlogs(4) # from admin.ClientMixin