Source code for pyrakoon.errors

# This file is part of Pyrakoon, a distributed key-value store client.
# Copyright (C) 2010 Incubaid BVBA
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

'''Exceptions raised by client operations, as returned by a node'''

import inspect

[docs]class ArakoonError(Exception): '''Base type for all Arakoon client errors''' CODE = None '''Error code sent by the Arakoon server''' #pylint: disable=W0105
[docs]class NoMagic(ArakoonError): '''Server received a command without the magic mask''' CODE = 0x0001
[docs]class TooManyDeadNodes(ArakoonError): '''Too many nodes in the cluster are unavailable to process the request''' CODE = 0x0002
[docs]class NoHello(ArakoonError): '''No *Hello* message was sent to the server after connecting''' CODE = 0x0003
[docs]class NotMaster(ArakoonError): '''This node is not a master node''' CODE = 0x0004
[docs]class NotFound(KeyError, ArakoonError): #pylint: disable=R0901 '''Key not found''' CODE = 0x0005
[docs]class WrongCluster(ValueError, ArakoonError): '''Wrong cluster ID passed''' CODE = 0x0006
[docs]class AssertionFailed(ArakoonError): '''Assertion failed''' CODE = 0x0007
[docs]class ReadOnly(ArakoonError): '''Node is read-only''' CODE = 0x0008
[docs]class OutsideInterval(ValueError, ArakoonError): '''Request outside interval handled by node''' CODE = 0x0009
[docs]class GoingDown(ArakoonError): '''Node is going down''' CODE = 0x0010
[docs]class NotSupported(ArakoonError): '''Unsupported operation''' CODE = 0x0020
[docs]class NoLongerMaster(ArakoonError): '''No longer master''' CODE = 0x0021
[docs]class InconsistentRead(ArakoonError): '''Inconsistent read''' CODE = 0x0080
[docs]class MaxConnections(ArakoonError): '''Connection limit reached''' CODE = 0x00fe
[docs]class UnknownFailure(ArakoonError): '''Unknown failure''' CODE = 0x00ff
ERROR_MAP = dict((value.CODE, value) for value in globals().itervalues() if inspect.isclass(value) and issubclass(value, ArakoonError) and value.CODE is not None) '''Map of Arakoon error codes to exception types''' #pylint: disable=W0105